Saturday, September 10, 2016

Climbing Blood Mountain (9/8/16)

Thursday, I walked the Byron Reece Memorial Trail to the Appalachian Trail, and then to the summit of Blood Mountain. It was a pretty arduous hike, mostly because I brought my big 8x10 camera and a few lenses. Luckily I have one of the lightest cameras ever made - a Wehman ultralight 8x10. The camera's bottom and clamshell have holes drilled through it to lessen the weight. I shot mostly my Nikkor 120mm f/8 lens, but also a couple with a 240mm f/9 Graphic Kowa.

Here are some of the images I shot. I used both Ilford Delta 100 film, developed in FX-39, as well as Fuji green-sensitive x-ray film developed in Rodinal:


And finally, here is the summit of the mountain, at the trail shelter.


  1. One of the best days of my large format life was the day I replaced my 8x10 Deardorff with a Wehman ultralight. Deardorff is a great solid beast, and very pretty to look at, but those weight savings. Oh my.

  2. Amen! I love that you can remove the front bed piece to reduce the weight further if you don't need that extension!
