Sunday, September 4, 2016

Black and White Atlanta

Well I guess it's about time for my first post. First of all, if you've found your way here from my old blog, thanks for following me to this new place. If not, welcome. To recap anyone new - my name is Bryan and I enjoy making photographs using a variety of traditional film cameras. I am moving on from my old blog because it was very specific to south GA (even though I also posted things from elsewhere). My purpose here on this blog is to post recent work - as I subtitled above, a "digital contact sheet" of my film scans. I don't make traditional contact sheets - instead I scan my negatives and decide if I'll print anything (traditional wet print or otherwise) after seeing the scans.

I work as a photographer, videographer, and recording engineer with my company, and I plan on travelling a lot more in this capacity and will hopefully shoot a lot of film while pursuing my work. Showcased here will be my best images from these travels, as well as some technical information mostly for my reference but hopefully may help others if they find themselves here by way of Google or something.

I live in the northern part of GA, at the base of the Appalachians. So you can expect a lot of north GA area photographs - like today, showcasing Atlanta! Last week I stayed overnight in Atlanta as my fiancee was attending a training seminar for her job. While she did that I went to the Centennial Olympic Park area with my trusty Nikon F2 and 15mm f/3.5 AI-S lens, as well as my Rolleiflex.

First up, here are my favorite 6x6 negatives from the morning. These were all taken on Tri-X 400, developed in Rodinal 1:50 for 12 minutes:


Here are some 35mm frames, most from outside the National Center for Civil and Human Rights which has nice architecture:


That's all I have from that day - some north GA mountain photos coming soon...

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