Thursday, June 22, 2017

Wading in Amicalola Creek

I've been waiting for some warm weather to get into Amicalola Creek to look for more dynamic compositions. I went twice this week - once with my Nikon F2 and a few lenses and once with my new Mercury Camera with a 38mm lens, shooting 6x9. Here's some 35mm images:

I went back a couple of days later with the Mercury and I retook some of the same images. I will print several of these 6x9 images for sure as I was very happy with the results:

I took a few other images not in the creek both days, here's a few of those:

Here's some extra images from the medium format film I shot last night at the top of the falls:

Finally, I did take a couple of color pictures on 35mm - here is one, on E100G:

Here's a cell phone picture of the Mercury camera while I was shooting:

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