Wednesday, January 11, 2017


One of the things I was looking forward to with my new location was snow. Living in the southern edge of GA, snow was just not something I was likely to see. I hadn't seen snow falling since high school so I was excited this past weekend when Dahlonega got somewhere around 2 or 3 inches of snowfall!

Saturday morning Meagan and I woke up to find our yard just full of snow, including the backyard which is basically a big hill. I carefully trudged outside into the snow and around the hill with my Rolleiflex and shot some photos:

 Afterward we walked around the neighborhood as the roads were too treacherous to try driving on with my limited snow driving experience. I shot some more with my Bessa II 6x9 camera:



We had to wait till later that day to drive anywhere...but I'll post those images later!

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